The World of the Celts in Glauberg
The Glauberg is a unique place settled by humans as early as the late Stone Age. The finds from three Celtic burials from the 5th century BC, and the statue of a Celtic „prince“ are unique and recognised throughout the World as an archaeological sensation.
Our museum opened in 2011 and is one part of the World of the Celts in Glauberg; it also includes a research centre and a large archaeological park. In the park, you will find the reconstruction of a burial mound, a mysterious system of banks and ditches, and fortifications from early Celtic times. Further monuments from other historical periods are on the Glauberg plateau.
With us, you can immerse yourself into a World that our Celtic ancestors created 2,500 years ago.
Opening times
March until October: Tuesdays to Sundays 10 am to 6 pm
November until December: Tuesdays to Sundays 10 am to 5 pm
Closed Mondays*
*except national holidays