For people with disabilities

Visit to the Celtic world

The museum is designed to meet the special needs and wishes of people with disabilities.
When booking a tour, it is important that you tell us about your special needs and that we have the opportunity to tailor our tour to the level of disability of your group. We are happy to take the time to provide detailed advice and are happy to help you with the planning and on site. To ensure that your visit is a complete success, please contact us in good time.

Information on general accessibility in the Celtic World at Glauberg can be found here.


Duration: 60 min, Cost: 80 € plus entrance fee
Group size: max. 20 people
If the disability card contains the symbols B, G, aG, Gl, H, TBI, admission is free for one accompanying person.


Heike Koenig / Kerstin Wald
Telephone: 06041/82330-24 / -23
Fax: 06041/82330-11

Girocard payments are possible in the Keltenwelt am Glauberg from 10 €. All prices include VAT.

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