The research center

Research – Network – Communicate



The Keltenwelt am Glauberg research centre acts as an interface between the museum, archaeological heritage conservation (hessenARCHÄOLOGIE) and other national and international research institutions. It ensures the future research of the Glauberg, but also actively participates in Iron Age research in Hesse and beyond. It represents the Glauberg and the "Keltenwelt am Glauberg" worldwide at conferences and in evening lectures. The research centre supports the museum in an advisory capacity and provides impetus for special exhibitions and the further development of the permanent exhibition. A small library focussing on the Iron Age, the history of research and methods is accessible to interested parties by appointment.

There are only a few comparable institutions in Europe with a museum, archaeological park and research centre in the former Celtic settlement area. These include the European Archaeological Centre of Mont Beuvray (Bibracte) in Burgundy, France, and the research centre in Hallstatt (Upper Austria) as a branch of the Natural History Museum Vienna.


Dr. Axel G. Poslushny MA FSA Scot
Telephone: +49 (0) 6041 8233-021
E-mail: axel.poslushny@keltenwelt-

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