Investigations at Glauberg and publications



The most intensive and extensive excavations on the Glauberg to date took place in the 1930s under Heinrich Richter. Unfortunately, almost all of the documentation and many finds were destroyed towards the end of the war. More recent excavations by the Hesse State Office for the Preservation of Monuments (now hessenARCHÄOLOGIE) under the direction of the then Hessian state archaeologist Fritz-Rudolf Herrmann between 1985 and 1998 focussed on the dating and construction of the fortifications on the Glauberg. From 1994 to 1999, the two burial mounds and their surroundings were also investigated. Large-scale geomagnetic investigations between 1994 and 2001 revealed the astonishing dimensions of the outer ramparts and ditches.

Between 2004 and 2010, seven projects within the German Research Foundation's major priority programme "Early centralisation and urbanisation processes. On the genesis and development of early Celtic princely seats and their territorial environs", seven projects alone focused on research into the Glauberg (the websites will not be updated after the end of the research programme):

However, previous investigations have mostly raised more questions than answers; the Glauberg as a monumental early Celtic site of the 5th century BC and its origins are therefore still far from being sufficiently researched today. For example, the huge rampart-ditch complex surrounding the Glauberg (of which the now reconstructed "processional road" is only a small part) is unique in its extent and dimensions in the early Celtic world.

The research centre set up together with the museum brings together old and new research and questions and is actively working on answering the many questions surrounding the Glauberg, but also on other Iron Age ("Celtic") sites in Hesse.


Two series of publications from the Keltenwelt am Glauberg take the research into account:


  • Holger Baitinger, Der Glauberg – ein Fürstensitz der Späthallstatt-/Frühlatènezeit in Hessen. Mit Beiträgen von Peter Kresten, Benno Zickgraf, Irmtrud B. Wagner und Günther A. Wagner. Materialien zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte von Hessen 26 [Glauberg-Studien 1 ] Wiesbaden 2010.
  • Leif Hansen/Christopher Pare, Untersuchungen im Umland des Glaubergs. Zur Genese und Entwicklung eines frühlatènezeitlichen Fürstensitzes in der östlichen Wetterau. Materialien zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte von Hessen 28 [Glauberg-Studien 2] Wiesbaden 2016.
  • Udo Recker/Vera Rupp (eds.), Die „Fürstengräber“ vom Glauberg: Bergung – Restaurierung – Textilforschung. Materialien zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte von Hessen 29 [= Glauberg-Studien 3] (Wiesbaden 2018).


  • Egon Schallmayer (ed.) in Zusammenarbeit mit Katharina von Kurzynski, Archäologie und Politik. Archäologische Ausgrabungen der 30er und 40er Jahre des 20. Jahrhunderts im zeitgeschichtlichen Kontext. Internationale Tagung anlässlich „75 Jahre Ausgrabungen am Glauberg“ vom 16. bis 17. Oktober 2008 in Nidda-Bad Salzhausen. Fundberichte aus Hessen, Beiheft 7 [Glauberg-Forschungen 1] Wiesbaden 2011.
  • Leif Hansen, Die latènezeitliche Saline von Bad Nauheim. Die Befunde der Grabungen der Jahre 2011-2004 in der Kurstraße 2. Fundberichte aus Hessen, Beiheft 8 [Glauberg-Forschungen 2] Wiesbaden, 2016.


Further literature references to & about the Glauberg can be found here:

Glauberg Publications

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