Workshop: Making grass or rush baskets
People have always needed containers to collect and store things.
To do this, they made use of the materials that nature provided them with. They used these to make baskets and the like. Unfortunately, there are only a few rare archaeological finds, as the organic materials used are only preserved under the most favourable conditions. These containers continued to be made even after the "invention" of ceramics. Get to know the old techniques used to make stable, light, decorative and highly variable containers from grass or rushes during a day workshop in the museum garden.
Director: Annette Miksch
Day course: 10 am to 5 pm, incl. individual breaks
The course is limited to ten people.
Cost: 60 euros per person (including museum entrance)
Registration by phone: +49 (0) 6047/9770193 or anmi@natur-kultur-wetterau.de